Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Chloris or The Complaint of the Passionate Despised Shepheard
William Smith: Sonnet 42

William Smith's sonnet in "Chloris or The Complaint of the Passionate Despised Shepheard" are basically in Petrarchan form, using the variant scheme ABBA·ABBA CDCDEE

Dye, dye, my hopes for you do but augment
The burning accents of my deepe despaire,
Disdaine and scorne, your downfall do consent,
Tell to the world she is unkind, yet faire.

O eies close up those ever-running fountains,
For pitilesse are all the tears you shed.
Wherewith you wanted have both dales and mountaines,
I see, I see, remorce from hir is fled.

Packe hence yee sighes into the empty aire,
Into the aire that none your sound may heare,
Sith cruell Chloris hath of you no care,
Although she once esteemed you full deare.
       Let Sable night all your disgraces cover,
       Yet truer sighes were never sigh't by lover.


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